Friday, September 19, 2008

District Committee

I told my self this month was the month I was going to a district committee meeting.  So last night was the district meeting. It was  basically my committee meeting on a higher level.  I have to say that I went to myscouting elaerning and took the district committee fast start.  So I knew what not to expect. 
So my committee meeting and the district was basically reports from all the sub committee's then new business and old business.  Blah. blah. blah. The meat of it,  really didn't matter as  most things taste like chicken.
After taking the district committee fast start, I have started to rethink  my committee meetings.  I may  restructure  the November Committee meeting  to work like the "ideal" district committee meeting.  I know I have an October Committee Meeting in three weeks, but this is going to be out of the ordinary anyway. We are doing the committee meeting at our campout. This should  put what we do in front of all of our parents. It would be the perfect time to do something different and it is also a bad time for it. I'm opting to try the different method in a more familiar enviroment.

I'm trying to figure out how to break down the committee  into sub committee's  I'm thinking 4 months of activities, and Pack meeting. The rest of the committee is genearlly reports.  Do that for 15 - 30 minutes than come back  and go through  reports new business and old business.  while I'm thinking about it, i come across both good points and bad points. Right now I'm thinking I may be adding unneccessary length to the meeting.  Yet I think that  the people involved in activiteis and pack meeting really need to have meetings outside the Committee Meeting . I know this isn't happening, but everything gets pulled together somehow.

Recruiting is for the most part done. Popcorn is in a lull. though I have to come up with Prizes  and quick. As the committee opted out of the  Trail's end Prizes this year.  I may have time for a quick breath. Oh I need to go over my wood badge ticket items with my troop guide this weekend, too.

One last thing as kind of a PSS. I ran into a former employee last night.  I finally told him  how pissed I was about his behavior  when I asked him a direct question 4 years ago when I last saw him.  It really felt good to tell him that. 

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